What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is non-invasive; this means that you don’t have to go through painful plastic surgery and you don’t have to endure the pain of liposuction. CoolSculpting can give you that finished look for those who have a few pounds to lose*.

CoolSculpting can benefit you in the following ways*:

Non-surgical safe removal of stubborn fat
FDA-Cleared, patented fat reduction
Developed by Harvard scientists
Freezes fat cells without damaging skin
Proven results in clinical studies
Increase your confidence fast & easy
Get your body where you want it to be
Undeniable reduction of body fat.

CoolSculpting isn’t a treatment to cure obesity; it is a procedure that is used on isolated parts of the body. For instance, if you have a little fat that clings to your back, thighs, back of the arms, stomach or love handles, CoolSculpting will target the fat in those areas. In the past, the treatment of choice for isolated body fat was liposuction. Liposuction is fairly invasive and can be dangerous for some people. However, CoolSculpting reduces fat by freezing it. CoolSculpting isn’t instantaneous; it takes several weeks to start seeing results*. During the procedure, the fat cells become frozen; they crystallize and die. Once frozen, the fat cells begin to shrink over time, until the fat finally gets absorbed by the body within a few weeks*.

How is CoolSculpting done?

CoolSculpting is accomplished by using a contouring device that works by chilling or freezing the fat of a specific body part. The CoolSculpting device applies suction to the area as it transfers cold temperatures to the fat cells. The doctor or technician applies a gel pad to the area that will be treated and then the CoolSculpting device is applied to the skin. The device is left in place for a period of time, which is usually one hour per area being treated. A timer is set, and when the time is up the device is removed from the skin.

Does CoolSculpting hurt?

CoolSculpting is virtually painless. You will feel a large amount of suction, which may feel a little strange, but it doesn’t hurt. There is no need for any local anesthesia because this procedure is non-invasive.

Once the CoolSculpting applicator is applied to the area of skin that is covered by the protective gel pad, you will feel your fatty tissue being sucked up between two paddles within the device. It’s not painful; although, it is definitely cold, you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

When the CoolSculpting applicator is removed, you may notice a sensation where the numbness from the cold is wearing off. You may also notice a little bruising at the site, where the tissue was pulled into the paddle. The bruising, if any, will be temporary and there is virtually no pain involved with the bruising. Once the treatment is finished, there is no downtime. You can get up and go back to work or whatever you were doing.

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting chills or freezes the fat cells in the area being treated. The fat cells crystallize and over a period of time the cells of the immune system destroy the crystallized fat particles and carry them off to be absorbed and eliminated through the body’s natural elimination system. You won’t see results right away; it could take from a month to three months for the immune system to carry off the fat cells*. Within a month or two you should begin to notice that your clothes are fitting better*.

This non-invasive CoolSculpting procedure does not hurt the surrounding tissues in the treatment area. There is no damage to the skin, blood vessels or nerves. Immediately after the procedure the tissue that was sucked into the CoolSculpting applicator will be pulled outward from the suction, but it will go back to its original contour within an hour after the device is removed from the body part.

Who would benefit best from CoolSculpting?

If you are overweight and have lots of body fat, the CoolSculpting procedure is not for you. However, if you have troublesome pouches of fat that don’t go away with dieting; CoolSculpting might be just the right procedure to give your body the contour you would like it to have*.

CoolSculpting is best used on individuals who have no more than 10 to 15 pounds to lose*. This procedure is sometimes chosen because the individuals don’t want to endure an invasive procedure such as liposuction*. CoolSculpting is recommended for people who may not have enough body fat for liposuction*.

Is CoolSculpting permanent?

The CoolSculpting procedure kills the fat cells and they are absorbed by the body’s immune system over the period of two to five months*. The results are long-lasting. Approximately 80 percent of the individuals who have CoolSculpting done have a 20 percent fat reduction within the first four to six weeks just after one treatment*. After one month you may have another treatment done*.

Is CoolSculpting Expensive?

CoolSculpting is expensive; however, it is much less expensive than having plastic surgery or liposuction. You can check with a plastic surgeon that does the surgery to get the actual price per procedure, because the price may vary according to the body part being treated.

The good thing about CoolSculpting is that it reduces body fat without any anesthesia or invasive surgical procedure. Even though there is no cutting involved, CoolSculpting is considered a medical procedure.

You don’t have to worry about your cell phone or other electronic device interfering with the CoolSculpting technology. You can rest comfortably while talking on your phone, or surfing the Internet. Before you know it, your procedure will be finished and you can get on with the rest of your day.

New CoolSculpting Mini for Chin and Jaw Areas

The FDA recently cleared the CoolSculpting Mini for application in the submental area. What this means is that CoolSculpting is available and approved by the FDA for use in “double chin” areas. You can reduce or even completely remove excess fat and skin under your jaw and on your neck with CoolSculpting Mini — without the use of painful invasive surgery*. You can see results in as little as 1 to 2 visits*. CoolSculpting is completely non-invasive and without the use of needles. Abington Aesthetic & Laser Medical Center is excited to provide this service to our clients! If you’re ready to contour your neck and remove your double chin*, we can certainly book an appointment for you.

Ready to remove excess fat*? Request more information or contact us today!

(*)Individual results may vary. Photos are examples of possible results. Please consult with our staff to find out what may work best for you.