Six Things You Should Know about Latisse Eyelash Thickening

Black and white photo of an eye with long eyelashes.

If you don’t have long, thick, full lashes, you might have considered an eyelash-enhancing serum like Latisse. This prescription treatment is clinically proven to increase lash growth and increase the growth stage of lashes. Want to learn more? Check out these six facts about Latisse:

Latisse is the only FDA approved medical treatment for lengthening and thickening eyelashes

While there are lots of serums on the market, Latisse is the only medication that is FDA approved for lash growth. This means Latisse has been thoroughly tested for side effects. In addition, Latisse requires a prescription—talking to a medical professional can also help ensure that you are using it correctly.

Latisse needs to be used once a day

Latisse is a daily treatment; you will use sterile one-time-use applicators to apply the solution to your upper lash line every day. It is often recommended to use it at night, after washing your face, but any time that you can reliably apply it to clean, dry skin will work. 

It may take some time to see full results, but as long as you keep using it, you should continue to see those results. Once you stop using Latisse every day, it is likely that your eyelashes will eventually return to their former thickness and length.

The active ingredient was originally used to treat glaucoma

The active ingredient bimatoprost is a commonly prescribed treatment for glaucoma, an eye disease. Glaucoma patients who were using bimatoprost eye drops experienced longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes, which eventually led to it being approved by the FDA to be used specifically for eyelash growth.

You should ONLY use Latisse on upper lash line

Using Latisse on the lower lash line may increase the chances of increased hair growth below the eye, rather than just on the lash line. Make sure to only use Latisse one time per day, and only on the upper lashes.

Latisse can darken your irises—but don’t worry!

One of the listed side effects of Latisse is darkening of the irises. But if you have blue eyes, don’t despair! You should talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have, but the main incidence of darkening irises has been in glaucoma patients with hazel eyes noticing an increase in brown tones in their eye.

With all medications, you should review the side effects and talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have!

You should NOT use Latisse while getting permanent eye makeup

If you are considering getting permanent makeup like tattooed eyeliner, you should either stop use of Latisse or plan to be fully healed from the makeup before you start using Latisse. Permanent makeup does cause inflammation and small abrasions around the eyes, and it’s important that that process doesn’t interfere with the eyelash stimulation.

What other questions do you have about Latisse? Contact us to get more information and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Zeiliger!

(*)Individual results may vary. Photos are examples of possible results. Please consult with our staff to find out what may work best for you.